How to Get a Gun License in Philadelphia

Gun with bullets
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A gun license in Philadelphia allows an individual to carry a firearm or have one in their vehicle. The process is straightforward and involves a waiting period after properly applying to determine if the applicant should receive a license. In Philadelphia, unlike other Pennsylvania counties, the license is issued by the chief of police, not the county sheriff. You must be 21 years or older to apply.

Go to the Gun Permits and Tracking Unit of the Philadelphia Police Department and obtain an application. The office is located at 990 Spring Garden St.

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Download an application, if you prefer, from the Philadelphia Police Department website. Click on "Forms and Reports", found on the site's home page. Click on "Apply for a license to carry a firearm in Pennsylvania," on the resulting page. Fill out the application on the computer, then print it out. Or, completely fill out the printed application information in blue or black ink.

Obtain two letters of recommendation from references, supporting you getting a gun license. These two references must be non-family members. Obtain a 1/2-inch by 2-inch photograph of yourself. Do not attach the photograph to the designated spot on the application at this time.

Take the completed application, a $25 money order to pay the application fee, reference sheets, photo and instruction pages that were included with the application, to the Philadelphia Police Department's Gun Permit and Tracking Unit. Sign in on the appropriate name list for new applicants.

Present your paperwork to the interviewer after your name is called. Answer the questions during the interview. Initial your recorded interview answers to make certain that they are correct. Wait for up to 45 days following the interview to learn by mail if your application was accepted or denied.

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