A certified copy of a birth certificate can be obtained to replace a lost or destroyed birth certificate. Certified copies are considered acceptable proof of identity. Texas is a closed record state, which means that only immediate family members can apply for a registrant’s birth certificate. Everyone else must provide a notarized statement from an immediate family member or legal documentation authorizing the release of the birth certificate. To order a certified copy of a birth certificate, you need the full name of the registrant, the date of birth, and location of birth. You also need the full name of the father and full maiden name of the mother if this information is available.
Order a certified copy online. Fill out the online application at TexasOnline. You need to provide your relationship to the registrant, your driver’s license number and Social Security card. As of June 2010, there is a $22 fee. The processing times for a certified copy is approximately 10 to 15 business days.
Read More: How to Get My Birth Certificate Number
Go to the Austin office and apply in person. You need photo identification, the $22 fee and the application. Processing times for the short form birth certificates is same day. Requests for long form birth certificates take several days to process. Go to: Texas Vital Statistics 1100 West 49th St Austin, TX 78756
Fill out the application and send it by mail. Attach the fee and a copy of your photo identification. If you do not have photo identification, provide a copy of an immediate family member’s photo ID. Processing time is 6 to 8 weeks. Mail your request to: Texas Vital Records Department of State Health Services P.O. Box 12040 Austin, TX 78711-2040
Submit an expedited request by mail. Fill out the Expedited Application for Birth or Death Record. There is an additional $5 processing fee and $8 shipping fee in addition to the $22 application fee. Processing time is 10 to 15 business days. Send your application, identification and payment via overnight mail service to: Texas Vital Records Department of State Health Services 1100 W. 49th St., MC 2096 Austin, TX 78756
Writer Bio
Leigh Thompson began writing in 2007 and specializes in creating content for websites. She has been published online in various capacities. Thompson has an associate degree in information technology from the University of Kansas and is working on a bachelor's degree in business and personal finance.