Only the sender of a package can request FedEx to reroute a package. Rerouting a package involves changing the original shipping address on the package to a different address. The process of rerouting a package is not difficult but you are only permitted to change the shipping address of any package one time.
Call FedEx at 800-463-3339 to request the company reroute a package. You can have the package rerouted to a different street address in the same city, from its place on hold at one FedEx location to another or from hold at a FedEx location to a delivery.
Identify yourself. Provide the FedEx phone representative with the tracking number of the package. You received the tracking number on your receipt when you shipped the package.
Read More: How Do I Get FedEx to Leave a Package if I'm Not Here to Sign for It?
Give the FedEx phone representative the new address where you want the package rerouted as well as the telephone number of the package recipient. FedEx may charge additional fees with some restrictions. There is no additional charge to hold a package for pickup instead of delivery. The authorized person who picks up the package on hold must provide photo ID.
Writer Bio
Tiffany Raiford has several years of experience writing freelance. Her writing focuses primarily on articles relating to parenting, pregnancy and travel. Raiford is a graduate of Saint Petersburg College in Florida.