The Worcester City Clerk's office holds vital records of birth in the city of Worcester, Massachusetts, from 1848 to the present day, as well as earlier town records beginning in 1686. Getting a copy of a Worcester birth certificate is easy and inexpensive and can be accomplished through the city clerk's website, in person or by mail for a small fee.
Reasons for Obtaining a Birth Certificate
Most people will need a copy of their birth certificate later in life for various reasons. Most states require driver's license applicants to show a birth certificate as proof of their identity. When replacing a Social Security card, a birth certificate is just one document the Social Security Administration uses to verify a person's identity.
In some states, someone getting married may need to use their birth certificate to prove their identity when applying for a marriage certificate. Most states in the U.S. also require a student's birth certificate when registering for school, which ensures that they are who they say they are and are in suitable classes for their age group.
Finally, when applying for a passport, a birth certificate is also required to show proof of identity.
Getting a Birth Certificate in Worcester County
The Worcester City Clerk's office keeps birth certificate records for the town and the city. Town records begin in 1686 and go through to 1847. Records for the city of Worcester start in 1848 through today.
The office will certify birth certificates upon request with a fee payment; individuals can obtain a birth certificate online via the city's payment partner for $14 using a debit card, credit card or through electronic funds transfer (EFT).
Birth Certificate Fees
Getting a birth certificate in person or by mail is also possible. In these instances, applicants must complete a Birth Certificate Request Form and send or submit it to the Worcester City Clerk. A birth certificate costs $12 in person and $14 by mail.
When paying in person, the clerk's office accepts cash, check or money order; when paying by mail, it accepts checks or money orders only. These must be made out to the City of Worcester and sent to: Worcester City Clerk, City Hall, Room 206, 455 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01608-1889.
Searching Birth Certificates in Worcester
Worcester has a database of birth records that anyone can access to search for a birth in the area if it occurred between January 1, 1900, and February 1, 2011. The birth must have been within Worcester city limits. All they'll need when searching is the first and last name of the person they are searching for.
If they cannot find that person, or the record isn't available online, they can contact the clerk's office for assistance at 508-799-1121. Office hours are Monday 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday through Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. The clerk's office also holds records of marriages and deaths, which are also searchable online and for which individuals can obtain a certified copy.
Writer Bio
Michelle Nati is an associate editor and writer who has reported on legal, criminal and government news for PasadenaNow.com and Complex Media. She holds a B.A. in Communications and English from Niagara University.