Obtaining a birth certificate from another country can be handled simply enough by going through the local consulate of that country, but given the amount of demand placed on that consulate, and the diplomatic relationship between the two countries, it can be time consuming and difficult to receive the document. In the case of the United States and Cuba, where tensions are high, the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, D.C., often has other more important interests than birth certificates. However, another service, Cuba City Hall, has emerged as a trusted resource for obtaining Cuban birth certificates.
Contact Cuba City Hall through email, phone, address or online at Cubacityhall.com. While other services exist for obtaining Cuban birth certificates, Cuba City Hall is more often recommended for those requiring this document. The service is part of Havana Journal (Havanajournal.com), which has numerous business connections with Cuba.
Fill out the Cuban Certificate Order Form. This can most easily and quickly be done online through the Cuba City Hall website. A print option for the form is available, which can be filled out by hand and mailed to Cuba City Hall.
Confirm all information before sending in the order form. Whether done online or in print make sure the information is as accurate as possible. The more information offered on the form the easier it is to find the document.
Pay for the document. Since relations between Cuba and other countries continue to be rocky, it is expensive to bring anything, including legal papers, in and out of Cuba. As of January 2011, a personal copy of a Cuban birth certificate costs $295, while a legalized copy costs $495.
Wait for the document to arrive. Cuba City Hall sends a photograph of the document once it has been located, but like any other official transaction, obtaining a birth certificate can take several weeks to complete.
Writer Bio
Jess Kroll has been writing since 2005. He has contributed to "Hawaii Independent," "Honolulu Weekly" and "News Drops," as well as numerous websites. His prose, poetry and essays have been published in numerous journals and literary magazines. Kroll holds a Master of Fine Arts in writing from the University of San Francisco.