Food stamps are a way to help make earned income go further by lowering the costs of food for a family or individual. When food stamps are denied for any reason, it is possible to appeal the decision. Making an appeal will reopen the information and allow explanations of why the individual or family needs food stamps while providing proof of the need.
File for an appeal. Methods differ by state, but usually appeals are filed directly at the state Department of Social Services office by filling out the appropriate paperwork or over the phone. The office needs the name the food stamp request was filed under, an address, phone number, case number, the date, a statement that the paperwork is for a food stamp appeal and an explanation why the appeal is being filed.
Don't delay. The period available to file the appeal can range between 10 days and 90 days, so getting the appeal filed as soon as the denial is issued will ensure that no matter which state the denial takes place in, the appeal process starts.
Read More: Penalties for Food Stamp Fraud
Attend any meeting required by the state. The department's office will provide hearing information. At this time, explain the situation and show proof that the food stamps are necessary. Evidence can include pay stubs, monthly expenses for housing and utilities and any other income sources like social security benefits. Lower income shown on pay stubs or high housing and utility bills can show a need for food stamps.