How to Change Your Race on Your Birth Certificate

Birth certificates are recorded with the health department in the state where the birth occurred. State health departments issue copies of birth certificates to those who need them as well as allowing people to amend or change information on their birth certificate if proof of the change is provided. If your race is listed incorrectly on your birth certificate, you can contact your state health department for instructions on how to fix the error.

Call or visit your state health department to inquire about the process of changing your race as it is listed on your birth certificate.

Speak with a clerk at the health department. Procedures for most birth certificate amendments and changes are listed on state health department websites, but changes such as race are not.

Read More: How to Read a Birth Certificate

Obtain any documents required for the change and follow the directions given to you by the health department clerk regarding the process of changing your race on your birth certificate.


  • Changing race is not a common birth certificate amendment; therefore, it's recommended you speak with the health department in your state about making the amendment, advises the Kansas Department of Health and Environment website.

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