The Second Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights gives U.S. citizens the right to own guns. However, individual states decide to what extent those guns can be used and transported. States also have the power to take away an individual's right to bear arms. The state of Florida doesn't have a firearm registration system, but does have laws regarding transporting guns in and out of the state.
Traveling To/From
Traveling to and from gun ranges and armed security jobs require that a person carries his gun with him. The state gives gun owners permission to safely transport their guns to these locations. Since guns are often necessary for hunting, travel to hunting activities, as well as fishing and camping, fall under these permissions as well. According to the National Rifle Association, "Members of clubs organized for collecting antique or modern firearms while at or going to or from exhibitions" are also protected.
For Protection
Technically, any lawful citizen can carry a gun as long as it is kept safely in his vehicle. Safe transportation means that the gun and the ammunition are kept separate from one another. Florida Department of Highway Safety says, "Florida law gives citizens the right to possess and transport a firearm or other weapon for self-defense or other lawful purpose without a license if securely encased within the vehicle." During a traffic stop, motorists are advised to tell the law enforcement officer ahead of time that there is a gun in the vehicle.
Interstate Travel
The federal government regulates travelers who are crossing multiple states to eliminate confusion. In "Gun Control and Gun Rights," Constance Emerson Crooker says, "Any traveler who may legally possess a firearm at a given departure point and who may legally possess that firearm at the point of destination may transport the firearm between those points under certain conditions." Firearms can't be kept in the glove compartment, must be unloaded and the ammo must not be easily accessible.
Moving to Florida
If a person who is licensed in a reciprocity state and moves to Florida, he can travel into the state without incident. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumers Services says, "Florida law does allow a citizen to transport a weapon in a private vehicle, even if that citizen DOES NOT HAVE a concealed weapon license:"
Moving Out of Florida
If residents of Florida travel into one of the reciprocity states, can transport concealed weapons as long as they are formal residents of Florida. The FDACS says, "Those individuals who hold Florida licenses but who are not residents of Florida cannot carry concealed weapons in these states."
Criminal Background
No person with a felony conviction is allowed to possess a gun in any capacity. It is also illegal for gun dealers to deliver a gun to a person before getting formal approval from the Department of Law Enforcement. The Department of Law Enforcement performs a criminal background check on gun buyers.
Writer Bio
Sam Williams has been a marketing specialist and ad writer since 1995. He has been published in magazines such as "Reaching Out" and "Spa Search." He served in various sales and marketing positions with major corporations such as American Express, Home Depot and Wells Fargo. Williams studied English at Morehouse College.