How Many Points is a Speeding Ticket in CA?

Scenic Drive On Orr Springs Road At Dawn, Mendocino County
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In most games, getting points is good, and the one with the most points at the end wins. But if you are playing games with your driving record in California, points are definitely not good. You accumulate points for every moving violation, and the more points, the closer you get to losing your license.

California Point System

Like a number of other states, California uses a point system to keep an eye on your driving record. Basically, the DMV assigns you points every time you get a moving violation in California. These are added to your driving record. You can have your privileges revoked or suspended if you are over 18 years old and you get:

  • Four points or more in 12 months
  • Six points or more in 24 months
  • Eight points or more in 36 months

Those 21 or under face different, more severe penalties.

Automatic Suspension

Note that getting too many points is just one of many ways you can get your license suspended. Other, quicker ways to get your driver's license suspended are:

Number of Points

Most moving violations will add one point to your driving record. Driving above the posted speed limits is one of them. If you are speeding over 100 mph, you will get two points placed on your driving record.

Other common offenses that result in one additional point include an illegal U-turn, disobeying traffic signals or signs, and passing on a double line. The California DMV adds one point on your driver’s license record for an out-of-state traffic ticket you receive for any of these offenses.

Other two-point offenses include driving with a suspended license, reckless driving and hit-and-run collisions causing property damage.

Time Heals All Wounds

Time takes care of most problems and it will, eventually, clear all points from your driving record. The amount of time it takes depends on how serious the violations are. One-point violations clear in 39 months. Driving under the influence, failure to appear in court for a DUI and hit-and-run incidents stay on your record for a decade. Failure to appear in court for a DUI stays on your record for 10 years, while other traffic violations stay on your record for five years.


  • You'll usually get one point on your driving record for speeding, but if you are zipping along over 100 mph or racing another driver, you may get two points.

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