How Long Does a Speeding Ticket Stay on Your Record?

Writing a ticket
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Life in the fast lane sounds fun, but it can carry a price tag called speeding tickets. If you get so wrapped up in the hip-hop music on the radio or in your rush to catch your flight that you forget to look at the speedometer, don't be surprised to see a flashing red light behind you. The real-world consequences depend on the cop, the state, your driving record and just how fast you were traveling.

How Much is a Speeding Ticket?

Think of speeding tickets as the price tags for a fast drive. The fines are set by state statute and, of course, each state legislature thinks just a little differently about what is fair under the circumstances.

In New York, for instance, every single speeding ticket carries a trio of disincentives for that driver to speed again: court fines, a mandatory state surcharge and points on your record. New York fines go up quickly for second or third offenses. And, even higher fines apply to the five NYC boroughs, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten Island. But for the general New York speeding ticket 1 to 10 miles over the speed limit, your fines will run between $133 and $243 increasing incrementally. At the top of the heap is a ticket for exceeding the posted limit by 41 miles per hour or more. This runs between $943 and $1,368.

In Florida, fines vary by county. Like in New York, the closer your petal was to the metal, the more you'll pay. Fines in Orange County, for example, range from $129 to $279. If you are traveling more than 30 mph over the limit, you must go to court for a fine. Speeding in a school zone doubles the fine.

How Many Points Do You Get for a Speeding Ticket?

In the same way that speeding ticket fines rise depending on the speed, so do the points assessed against your record. Speeding 1 to 10 mph over the limit in New York will hit you with three points, while, at the top of the scale, speeding over 41 mph above the limit can cost you 11 points. That's also the point at which your license is suspended.

Those points can stay on your record for longer than you might think. Usually the time varies, depending on the ticket. For example, according to the California DMV, the length of time a ticket appears on your driving record increases with the severity of the offense. Most speeding points and other moving violations stay on your California driver record for 39 months, but points for more serious offenses, such as a hit-and-run or DUI, stay on your record for 13 years.

How Long Does a Speeding Ticket Stay on Your Car Insurance?

A speeding ticket can also cause your auto insurance premiums to rise. The more tickets you get, the more risk the insurer takes on, so this just makes sense. Multiple speeding tickets can also make you miss out on cost reductions on your insurance plan and even make you ineligible for standard coverage.

How long might a speeding ticket affect your insurance coverage? It could cause your rates to rise as long as it is part of your driving record, depending on your state driving laws. In general, states keep convictions for moving violations on a driver's record for three, five, seven or 10 years.

Read More: Does a Speeding Ticket Raise Your Insurance?


  • The time a speeding ticket stays on your driving record varies among jurisdictions, but it might impact your record and your insurance for a long time.

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