How Can I Get a Copy of My Social Security Card Fast?

Newly issued social security card
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In the modern often paperless world, there remains an occasional need to produce paper documents. Starting a new job and collecting Social Security benefits are two examples of times when a person would likely have to present an actual Social Security card. But if the card is nowhere in sight, the Social Security Administration (SSA) can provide a copy. Although the fastest way to get a Social Security card replacement typically is applying for one online, an applicant's local SSA office may be able to help speed up the process.

Social Security Card Option

The rampant proliferation of identity theft prompts many employers (and other entities) to request seeing a Social Security card to confirm the identity of applicants and new hires. But instead of asking prospective employees to go through the Social Security card replacement process, there is another option for employers. The SSA offers the free Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS) to employers, which verifies whether an employee’s name and Social Security number matches SSA’s records.

Social Security Card Replacement Limits

In situations that require someone to produce a Social Security card, getting a copy of it is a fairly easy process. Applicants don’t even have to pay for the replacement card, and they're allowed up to three replacement cards in a year and 10 replacement cards over their lifetimes. The SSA may issue additional cards on a case-by-case basis that exceeds these limits due to compelling circumstances. Two exceptions that are never considered in these limits are legal changes to someone’s name and changes in someone’s alien status that results in a required change to the restrictive legend on the card.

Read More: How to Order a Replacement Social Security Card Online

Social Security Card Evidence Requirements

Before applying for a Social Security card replacement, applicants must provide what the SSA calls “evidence requirements.” This simply means that the SSA needs supporting documentation to prove an applicant's identity. Some of the documents that SSA accepts include a driver’s license, passport, Department of Homeland Security document, school records and medical records. A birth certificate is insufficient evidence because it does not provide a photograph or current physical description of the applicant.

Applying for Replacement Card Online

To apply for a copy of a Social Security card online, applicants need to sign into their “My Social Security” account, or create a new account by visiting, clicking “Sign In/Up” and following the prompts. This free service is available to U.S. citizens age 18 or older with a U.S. mailing address and who also have a driver’s license or other state-issued identification card from a participating state. Applicants can only apply for a Social Security card replacement online if they're not requesting any changes to their card including a name change.

Delaware and Wisconsin residents can only use a driver’s license (not a state-issued ID card) to create their My Social Security account. The states that currently do not participate in the My Social Security account free service are Alabama, Connecticut, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah and West Virginia.

Applying for Card in Person

By visiting and searching for Form SS-5 (Application for a Social Security Card), applicants can access and print the application. On Line 11 of this form, applicants should check "Yes" to indicate that they have previously filed for, or received, a Social Security card. After completing the application, applicants can take it in person to their closest SSA office, which they can find by visiting and clicking on “Locate an Office by Zip.” If applicants prefer to mail their application, they can ask their local office for its mailing address.

Applicants that have questions or need assistance can call 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778 for the deaf and hard of hearing).


  • Whether applying for a Social Security card replacement online or applying in person at a local SSA office, applicants should receive the card within 10 to 14 days from the date SSA processes the application. Applicants can ask their local SSA office if it can help facilitate this process.

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