Crime scene investigators need to examine crime scenes in great detail whether it is a burglary, homicide or sexual assault. In general, crime scene investigators examine the scene, interview those who can provide relevant information and photograp evidence at the scene. Checklist forms include a crime scene security log, a scene entry log, a photograph log, an evidence recovery log and a scene diagram form.
Death Scene Investigation Checklist and Manual
Retired crime-scene investigator Richard J. Warrington designed a death scene investigation check list to gather evidence and process clues at a crime scene where a suicide or homicide has occurred. This checklist/manual consists of 100 pages including how to complete the checklist. The checklist/manual has 16 relevant forms and logs to complete. The manual comes with a computer disk form to complete that is compatible with Microsoft Word 97. Crime scene investigators are able to input the information right at the scene if they have a laptop.
Read More: Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation
Sexual Assault Checklist
When a sexual assault has taken place, crime investigators examine a number of items in relation to the crime. This includes any stains found on the victim or at the scene and clothing of the victim and perpetrator. A sexual assault kit is used on the victim to obtain evidence of semen. Fingernail scrapings are taken and any bloodstains are tested. Bed linens are examined and hair and fibers obtained as evidence. When signs of forced entry are found, the crime scene investigators also look for tool marks, tire tracks, footprints and other clues that might help lead to the arrest of the perpetrator.
Burglary Checklist
When crime scene investigators examine a scene where a burglary has occurred, such as a breaking-and entering situation, a number of items on their checklist must be completed. This includes taking photographs and examining any tool marks or footprints at the scene. The investigators will check for tire tracks, hair, fibers, and look at anything else that might provide a clue as to the motive and identity of the burglar.
Homicide Checklist
An extensive checklist assists crime scene investigators to thoroughly examine and process a homicide scene. This includes examining blood patterns, obtaining fingernail scrapings from the victim, hairs, blood sampling, clothing, close-up photographs of the victim's wounds, clothing of the perpetrator and obtaining weapons at the scene as possible evidence. They also look for tire tracks, footprints, fibers and at the point of entry. Following the scene investigation, the investigators obtain the victim's autopsy information.
Writer Bio
Dawn Sutton began her writing career in 2004 with an article on Internet counseling for a psychology journal. She writes numerous Internet articles on a variety of subjects including health, travel, education, crafts and much more. Sutton has published the books "The Manual" and "God's Girl" and numerous feature film scripts. She has a master's degree in social work from the University of Toronto.