How to Write a Reconsideration Letter to a Judge

Judge reading a letter
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People write reconsideration letters to judges to persuade the judge to reevaluate his decision about a matter. In most cases a person writes this type of letter to a judge after a sentencing trial. The writer tries to convince the judge to reassess a specific decision that was made by giving him detailed reasons. Any time a person writes a letter to the judge it should be polite, respectful and professional looking.

Include a heading. At the top of the letter, write the judge’s name and address of courthouse.

Read More: How to Write a Personal Reference Letter to a Judge for Someone on Trial

Address the letter. Specifically write the letter to the judge handling the case. Use the word “Dear” followed by his name and title.

Begin with an introduction. State the reason you are writing the letter and the purpose of it. For a letter of reconsideration briefly list who the letter is about and a sentence or two regarding the details of the case.

Write the body of the letter. Write one page or less. Include only important details and make every sentence count. Begin the body of the letter by stating more details about the case it involves. State the decision you are asking him to reconsider and explain the reasons why. Offer several reasons you believe the decision should be reconsidered. If the letter is about you, offer details regarding the lessons you learned from the situation and assure him that it would never happen again. If it is about a friend describe the character traits that demonstrate why this type of incident is not likely to occur again.

Offer suggestions. In the last paragraph of the body of the letter, offer suggestions to the judge of possible changes to his decision. Be sure to state these politely without any type of demand or threat.

Close the letter with a summary of its purpose and what you are asking for. Sign the letter “Sincerely” followed by your name.

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