Probationers under house arrest, typically first-time misdemeanor offenders, need permission to move. The probation will then be transferred to the new jurisdiction and house arrest conditions completed at the new location.
House arrest as a substitute for jail time is usually given to first offenders convicted of misdemeanor crimes. The threat posed to society by those under house arrest is less than that posed by those guilty of more serious crimes, so permission to relocate can be easier to secure.
Getting permission to move when under house arrest requires contacting the probation officer in charge of the case and explaining why the probationer needs to relocate such as a new job or a family situation.
Read More: What Is House Arrest?
State laws and probation practices vary and a probation officer may have the authority to approve a move or recommend the court approve it. If a motion for relocation needs to be filed with the court, the probation officer can suggest whether the petitioner needs to hire an attorney to do that.
The terms of house arrest will continue in the new location. In some cases this means reporting to a new probation officer.
Probationers under house arrest who relocate without official approval risk arrest, revocation of probation and possible jail time for the offense.
Writer Bio
Lynne Murray has over 40 years writing experience, with publications including mystery novels and an interview with Darlene Cates, of "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." Murray received a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from San Francisco State University. She's conducted workshops at the Open Education Exchange and Southwestern Writers Conference.