How to Renew a Romanian Passport

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••• Zoltan Pataki/Hemera/GettyImages

For Romanian citizens, renewing a Romanian passport means submitting a passport renewal application, two current passport-approved photos as well as a number of authenticating documents and a passport renewal processing fee to the nearest passport processing center. In the U.S., Romanian citizens will need to send these documents to the Romanian Consulate, which is located in Los Angeles.

Visit a center authorized to take passport photos, and have four head-shot-style color photos taken against a plain, light background. The photos must be of your face, and your face cannot be obstructed by a hat, your hair or glasses. Your face should have a neutral expression. The U.S. Romanian Consulate requires four pictures, and it is recommended that you write your name on the back of the photos with a pencil.

Read More: What Is Needed to Renew a Passport?

Contact the nearest Romanian Consulate (see Resources section at the bottom of this page for a complete listing of Romanian consulates and embassies located in the United States) and have them fax you a passport renewal application form.

Send your completed passport renewal application, proof of residency (your Romanian identification card), two 2-inch by 2-inch passport photographs, your most recent Romanian passport and your birth certificate to the nearest Romanian consulate or embassy. You will also need to enclose your passport renewal processing fee in money-order form.

  1. Birth certificate
  2. Marriage license, if married
  3. Proof of citizenship
  4. Two passport-size photographs
  5. Self-addressed stamped envelope
  6. Most recent Romanian passport


  • Minors will also need to get permission from their parents to apply for a Romanian passport renewal.

    If you are married, you will need to visit the Romanian consulate nearest to you to have your marriage registered and recorded in Romania.

    The Romanian government now also issues electronic passports.

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