The state of Arkansas does not regulate the issuing and possession of a Federal Firearms License (FFL). If you wish to obtain a license to sell firearms in a wholesale or retail setting, you must apply with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which is an agency of the U.S. Department of Justice. ATF issues, regulates and enforces all laws pertaining to Federal Firearms Licenses, including a strict application process. You must also be aware of local ordinances pertaining to owning a firearm business.
You must be 21 years of age or older to apply for an FFL and cannot have been convicted of violating any federal firearm laws or regulations. If you've served more than one year in prison, you are not eligible to receive a license. Illegal aliens, persons deemed mentally incompetent, substance abusers or those who have relinquished their U.S. citizenship cannot obtain an FFL. Furthermore, anyone dishonorably discharged from military service is ineligible, as are those with a restraining order against them. You are also expected to be aware of any zoning laws in your area associated with owning a business.
FFL application forms are available from the ATF. In addition to the forms, you are required to obtain two fingerprint identification cards from your local police agency and two 2-by-2-inch photographs of yourself. The fingerprint cards and photos must accompany your application paperwork. The bureau will perform a complete electronic background check and will then forward the application to your nearest ATF field office. An ATF official will schedule an in-person interview with you. During the interview, all applicable laws pertaining to owning a FFL license are discussed, and information provided on the application is verified. You must also supply an address where your business will be located, and show that you'll comply with local zoning ordinances. The ATF officer will file a report with the bureau after the interview and make a decision to accept or deny your FFL request. A recommendation is also filed by the local ATF office supervisor. If your application is approved, you'll receive the FFL approximately 60 days after the application was received by the ATF.
Record Keeping
Firearm dealers are required to keep records of all transactions. Files must show the name, age and address of all customers who have purchased firearms. If you import arms, you must maintain a record of the type of firearms obtained, including product serial numbers. You must answer all ATF inquiries regarding firearms that may have been used in a crime. Businesses that sell two or more handguns in one transaction multiple times within five consecutive days must report such action to the ATF. If you decide to discontinue selling firearms, you are required to turn you sales records over to the bureau.
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Federal Firearms Licensing Center
244 Needy Road
Martinsburg, West Virginia 25405
Writer Bio
Theresa Custodio is a Michigan-certified nurseryman with over 10 years experience. She has spent over five years working for the State of Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality writing permits and violation notices, which are published for public record. She has a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University with a major in biology and a minor in conservation and resource use.