Driving with a suspended or disqualified license is a serious offense in Alberta. A person found guilty of violating the Criminal Code of Canada, the Traffic Safety Act or the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Act while driving a motor vehicle in Alberta might find themselves with a suspended license, or more seriously, disqualified from driving altogether according to Alberta's Traffic Safety Act. The Traffic Safety Act states that there are two significant penalties for people who are found operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license in Alberta.
First Offense
According to Section 95(1) of Alberta's Traffic Safety Act, a person who is found guilty for the first time of driving with a suspended license is subject to a fine of not more than $2,000. If the person fails to pay that fine, he is subject to a minimum 14 days of imprisonment up to a maximum six months of imprisonment. Additionally, once a person is convicted of driving with a suspended license, he is disqualified from operating a motor vehicle in Alberta for a period of six months from the original date of conviction.
Subsequent Offenses
In addition to the fines and penalties imposed for a first time offense, subsequent offenders who drive with a suspended license in Alberta within one year of the original offense are subject to a minimum 14 days of imprisonment up to a maximum six months of imprisonment.
Suspended License
A person with a suspended license in a province or territory other than Alberta is subject to the same laws, fines and penalties as a person with an Alberta license. All suspensions must be cleared prior to be licensed in Alberta. To check if you have cleared your license, contact Driver Fitness and Monitoring.
Driver Fitness and Monitoring
Alberta Transportation
Main Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 - 98 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6B 2X3
011-780- 427-8230 (toll free in Alberta 800-310-0000)
Read More: What Happens If You Drive With a Suspended License?
Writer Bio
Chantel Beaupre began her professional writing career in 2007 as a blogger and website copywriter. As the principal of a small communications company, she blogs and tweets for several clients and sits on the publications committee for her local Canadian chapter of Meeting Professionals International. Beaupre is an eHow and Answerbag contributor.