A birth certificate is one of the most important documents you own. It is your key to getting a marriage certificate or passport. Falsifying birth certificates is a state and federal crime. There are many laws applying to birth certificates in North Carolina.
Home Births
If you give birth at home in North Carolina, you must file for a birth certificate at a county health department within 10 days of the birth. A birth information worksheet, which can be obtained from the Vital Statistics Office, along with ID, proof of residence, proof of pregnancy and proof of live birth will be required.
Paternity and Legitimation
Sometimes it is a complicated situation listing both parents on a birth certificate. While paternity can be openly acknowledged by a parent, it also can be court appointed. Birth certificates can be amended to add or change the father's name. This can occur when a natural father marries the birth mother after the child is born. This also would account for a birth certificate change.
Adoption from Foster Care
North Carolina states that when a child is adopted through private adoption or foster care, a new birth certificate must be issued. It will reflect the adoptive parents and will reflect a name change, if applicable.
Name and Sex Change
The name or sex listing of an adopted child can be changed on a North Carolina birth certificate. In the case of changing a name, the original birth certificate will be required. For a change of sex listing, the original birth certificate and a sex reassignment surgeon's documentation must be presented.
Writer Bio
Krista Raye is a Steel Magnolia who began writing professionally in 2009 with eHow, Answerbag and Trails. She has 10 years teaching experience in middle and high schools. Raye holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, a Bachelor of Science in secondary English education and a Master of Arts in adolescent English education.