You may add the father’s name to a birth certificate of a child born in Tennessee at the time of birth or at any time during the child’s life through the Tennessee Department of Health. In order to legally identify the father on the birth certificate, you must establish and officially document paternity through either a court order of parentage or by consenting signature of the father. Once you legally establish paternity, you may complete and submit an application for a new birth certificate to the state's vital statistics department.
Complete the form titled "Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity." Following delivery, hospital staff will provide both the birth registration form and the acknowledgement form, which must be signed by the mother, father and a witness. Turn in the completed forms to the hospital within 10 days after the birth or mail them directly to the Tennessee Office of Vital Statistics.
Read More: How to Change a Birth Certificate in Tennessee
Tennessee Vital Records Central Services Building 1st Floor 421 5th Avenue North Nashville, Tennessee 37243 615-741-1763
Submit a notarized Affidavit of Natural Parents, available at the Tennessee Department of Health website, signed by both the mother and father to the vital statistics office if the child’s parents were married at the time of birth but the father’s name was omitted from the birth certificate. Enclose a copy of the marriage certificate and a $30 processing fee.
Fill out an Application for New Certificate of Birth by Subsequent Marriage of Parents to add the father’s name if the mother and father were married after the child’s birth. The form is available on the state health department's website. Mail a copy of the marriage certificate, $30 fee and the notarized form, signed by both parents, to the vital statistics office.
Establish paternity with a court order of parentage if the father is unwilling to sign consent forms. Services through the Tennessee Department of Human Services assist with proving legal paternity and obtaining a court order of parentage. An application for services is available at the DHS website. Submit the court order of parentage and a Notification of Order of Parentage and Application for New Birth Certificate to Tennessee Vital Statistics along with the fee of $30.
Writer Bio
Brandi Palkoner brings a refreshing voice to the world of freelance writing. She is a member of Freelance Writers Association. Her lifelong love affair with words began at the early age of 3, when she first learned to read.