Ontario Disability Grants

Ontario Disability Grants refer to the financial incentives provided under the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). These grants are issued to persons with disabilities to help them meet their needs and the needs of their families. These grants are generally extended to disabled persons who require financial support and disabled persons who want to work but require additional support to get started.

Application and Qualification

To receive Ontario Disability Grants, you must apply to the Ontario Disability Support Program (OSDP). Successful candidates for this program must have a validated mental or physical disability that is expected to prevail for one or more years. The disability must be responsible for you not being able to care for yourself, and it must prevent you from participating in employment and other aspects of community life. Your income and assets must be within the pre-set levels of ODSP financial eligibility. Applicants must be 18 years of age and be residents of Ontario.

To apply for urgent Ontario Disability Grants financial assistance you can request temporary assistance via your local Ontario Works Office. In case the office is already assisting you, request an ODSP referral from your caseworker. Alternatively, you can make a self-referral, which is a direct application to ODSP through its local office.

Steps Involved

The first step in application process is a financial assessment. Eligibility for the Ontario Disability Grants demands that the applicant's or the recipient's family assets are within the allowable limits:

• $5,000 for a single person • Plus $2,500 if the applicant has a spouse or same sex partner • Plus $500 per dependent in addition to the spouse

Also under consideration are the applicant's assets and incomes. A description of these can be found on the Toronto Canada web site.

The second step of the application process is the Disability Determination Process. At this stage, health professionals complete the Disability Determination Package provided by the ODSP. This package contains the Self Report, the Consent to Release Medical Information, the Activities of Daily Living Index and a Health Status. The package must be submitted to the Disability Adjudication Unit within 90 days.

Determination of Income Support

The Ontario Disability Grants income support is structured on legislated rates, the family size, the children’s ages and nature and cost of accommodation, minus any chargeable income or deductions. An example for this determination can be viewed on the Toronto Canada web site.

Accompanying Benefits

Successful applicants who receive financial assistance may also be eligible for other benefits:

• Drug and dental service coverage • Vision care • Hearing aids • Mandatory special necessities • Nutritional allowance for pregnancy or breast-feeding • Mobility devices repair and batteries • Back to school allowances • Guide dog allowance and assistive devices • Home repairs • Allowances for winter clothing

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