Gaining employment at a correctional facility requires applicants to meet strict criteria. For instance, applicants must have a high school diploma or its equivalent and cannot have a criminal record. Depending upon the position sought, industry organizations such as the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the American Correctional Association set additional requirements for employment, including a bachelor's degree and at least three years of previous work experience. If you applied for or lost your employment with the Illinois Department of Corrections but feel you are qualified, sending an appeal letter is a formal method of asking for reconsideration.
How to Write an Appeal Letter for Employment With the Illinois Department of Corrections
Verify the mailing address and names of the Illinois Department of Corrections' main officers. Visit the correctional facility's website to find the names of its current director and chief of staff, and confirm the address of the facility. Open a word processing application such as Microsoft Word and create a new file from the program's professional letter template. Copy and paste the address of the facility from your search results into your letter. Date the letter, include your mailing address, and inscribe the letter to both the director of the facility and the chief of staff.
Begin your letter with the details of your application, including the date it was submitted, any responses you received and the name of the person with whom you interviewed (if an interview occurred). As an alternative, include a statement about your previous work experience or employment at the Illinois Department of Corrections, the date of your dismissal and the reasons given for your termination. In a separate paragraph, politely request that your employment be given reconsideration. Include a statement why you feel you deserve reconsideration, such as your extensive work experience in a similar position or any special skills from which the department could benefit. Offer a strong and persuasive argument in as few words as possible.
End your letter by letting the officers know how much and why you want employment at the Illinois Department of Corrections. Again, keep it brief and to the point. Request a new interview or in-person meeting, and end the letter with your signature. Include your phone number and email address with your signature.
Mail or email the letter to both the director of the facility and its chief of staff. Copy anyone with whom you might have interviewed or spoken to about the position. Follow up with a phone call in three to four days to make certain the letter was received.
Writer Bio
Angela Campbell began writing professionally in 1997 for Easley Publications in Easley, SC, and later for Gannett newspaper properties. A graduate of the University of South Carolina's mass communications and journalism program, she has won numerous South Carolina State Press Association awards for spot news reporting, business reporting, feature writing, photography and page design.