Some companies use pamphlets to convey information about their products or services. Others use pamphlets to explain their position on a topic of importance to the business and the community. If you have put significant work into writing and illustrating your pamphlet, apply for a copyright to prevent other companies from reusing your words and pictures. Place a copyright notice on your publication, which tells others that your work can't be used without your permission. A copyright protects original works of art, including the words and graphics or art in your pamphlet.
Where Your Copyright Notice Should Go
If you have obtained a copyright for a one-page pamphlet, the mark should go on the front or back of your pamphlet. Often a copyright notice is placed at the bottom of the page so it is not distracting. If your pamphlet has several pages and is in book form, you have more options. You can place your copyright on the front or back cover, the first inside page or the last page of the work.
What Your Copyright Notice Should Say
A copyright notice consists of three elements: the symbol © or the word "copyright," the year your pamphlet was first published and the name of the person who created the pamplet. Your notice should appear in this order: "© 2010 John Smith." You can add "all rights reserved" or "publishing rights available upon request." If you are sharing your work internationally, you should use the symbol ©, which is recognized worldwide.
Rules for Your Copyright Notice
By law, your copyright notice must be plainly visible and easy to find. It must be printed directly on the pamphlet; don't put the notice on a sticker that might be removed. Use a clear, easy-to-read font. None of your images or graphics should cover any part of the copyright notice.
Obtaining a Copyright
While your work is automatically copyrighted as soon as you place it in tangible form, registering a copyright provides official proof of your ownership. You can apply for a copyright online at the U.S. Copyright Office website. Click on "How to Register a Work," and you will be instructed to create an account. Then you will be directed to an online form, where you submit your contact information, the title of your work, the year it was created and a brief description. Attach a copy of your work and submit a $35 application fee, which can be paid by credit card, debit card or electronic funds transfer.
Writer Bio
Amanda Erickson has been writing professionally since 2008. She has written for the "New York Times," "Christian Science Monitor" and "Chronicle of Higher Education." Before moving to New York, she worked as a political blogger at the "Washington Post." Erickson holds a Bachelor of Arts in urban history from Columbia University.