What Is a Cash Deed?

Deeds of trust convey title of property from one person to another. This property can be in the form of a liquid investment, such as a mutual fund or stock option, or physical property, such as a home or office. Cash deed, however, is a term that can represent multiple types of trusts. Some do include cash, but some do not. Although it may seem confusing, cash deeds, regardless of type, facilitate the transfer of ownership.

Real Money

A cash sale deed is a form of property deed signed by the previous homeowner and the purchaser when the payment is done with actual paper currency instead of a credit card or loan. This form must be signed in the presence of a competent witness and notarized since it acts as a proof of purchase and protection when a major sale would otherwise be untraceable.

Physical Property

Cash for Keys deeds involve physical property. It allows a lender to offer a monetary incentive for a home owner in default to transfer the ownership before the foreclosure process. One condition is the home itself must be in good condition. This option is preferred by banks and lending companies who want to avoid unnecessary legal fees and the hassle of a court case.

Cash Management

A cash management deed is a written document for a trust that dictates the ownership and management of liquid investments. That's when investors pool together their wealth into a money market instrument, a financial option that could cost stockholders hundreds of thousands of dollars. The deed tries to avoid that by signing over the management of the money to a trustee who invests it on behalf of the stockholders.

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