Have you ever encountered a sign with instructions for you to follow, but you didn’t know how to follow them? Signs that say “No Standing Any Time” can confuse drivers unaccustomed to them, since they often believe they can avoid being ticketed while parking in prohibited areas if they remain in the car. However, this is not the case in no-standing zones.
Definition of "No Standing"

In the legal codes of New York City, standing is: “(1) The stopping of a vehicle, (2) whether occupied or not, (3) otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in receiving or discharging passengers.” In other words, it is not legal to stop a vehicle in a no-standing zone, even if the driver remains in the car with the engine running. If you pull over in such a zone, even to wait for someone or to send a text message, you risk getting a ticket.
When You Can Stop in a No-Standing Zone

Part 3 of the New York City law states that vehicles may briefly pull over in no-standing zones to let out passengers or to pick up passengers. They must do so quickly, since waiting for several minutes for someone to arrive before pulling away is a ticketable offense. But it is permissible to quickly pick up and discharge passengers in these zones.

Some “No Standing” signs list times or days when stopping is prohibited, but other times are fine. Generally the times stopping is allowed are times of decreased traffic, such as nights or weekends. Prohibiting vehicles from waiting in a particular zone keeps the traffic flowing and the area clear.
Other Parking Regulations

The New York State Driver’s Manual lists three categories of parking. A “No Parking” zone is similar to a “No Standing” zone, except that you may also stop briefly to load or unload merchandise as well as passengers. A “No Stopping” zone prohibits stopping for any reason, except to obey traffic signals or avoid collisions with other vehicles. Beyond the broad zones marked by these signs, other places where stopping is prohibited include near fire hydrants, on sidewalks, on crosswalks or in front of driveways.
Writer Bio
Award-winning writer Cayde Parker published her first short story in 1992. An accomplished editor, licensed educator and published novelist, she has also authored test items for standardized assessments. Parker graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Oklahoma, earning a Bachelor of Arts in history.