The United States Postal Service website has tips for stopping mail arriving to the deceased. It is understandable that relatives of the deceased do not want to be bothered by junk mail addressed to the deceased or to be constantly reminded of their loss by receiving unwanted mail addressed to their loved ones who have passed on.
Access the United States Postal Service Website
Access USPS.com to stop junk mail addressed to the deceased. Click on All Products & Services.
Click on D under "Browse all Products and Services" on the right side of the screen.
Read More: How to Stop Mail for a Deceased Person
Click on Deceased Person's Mail.
Under Mail for Deceased Persons, look for the second option which reads "The Deceased Do Not Contact List."
Click on "visit the DMA Web site." DMA represents Direct Marketing Association.
Follow the on screen directions. Enter the deceased person's name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of death, age of deceased, your name, address, relationship to deceased, your e-mail address, and a verification code which is provided. A page appears with a tracking number for the request, an option to edit the information and an option to print the information. A confirming e-mail is sent to your e-mail address.
Click on the confirmation link in your confirmation e-mail which brings you to a page titled "Verification For Deceased Registration." The tracking number and information you entered about the deceased appears on the screen. Options to edit registration or verify registration are offered. If everything looks correct, click on verify registration. A message appears on your monitor stating "Thank you for confirming the request for Deceased Registration. The registration has been added to our files.
- The steps provided just prevent the delivery of junk mail to the deceased person, not regular bills.
- To stop correspondence from businesses used by the deceased, contact the businesses individually and inform them of the death.
- Offer an alternative address for any business that may be pending with the deceased.
- The alternative address can be your own or the address for the attorney handling the will.
- Instead of contacting the businesses individually, you may complete a forwarding address request at your local post office.
- To stop correspondence from businesses used by the deceased, contact the businesses individually and inform them of the death.
- Offer an alternative address for any business that may be pending with the deceased.
- The alternative address can be your own or the address for the attorney handling the will.
- Instead of contacting the businesses individually, you may complete a forwarding address request at your local post office.
- The steps provided just prevent the delivery of junk mail to the deceased person, not regular bills.
Writer Bio
Jolene Wipf has been writing professionally since 2003. She has been published in the "Rick Alviti Newsletter" and the "Argus Leader." Wipf has a Bachelor of Arts in accounting and business administration from Augustana College and a Master of Arts in educational ministries from North American Baptist Seminary. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in paralegal studies at Globe University.