How to Access an NCIC Database

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The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database, used by more than 80,000 law enforcement agencies every hour of every day, contains information about 15 million active criminal records. Access to the database, created in 1967, is tightly controlled – you'll have to be an employee of a law enforcement agency. The database is broken into 19 categories, seven dealing with property crimes, such as lost or stolen items. The remaining dozen categories are associated with fugitives, sex offenders and others with criminal records.

Get Access to an NCIC Database

Become an employee of an accredited law enforcement agency. The NCIC can be accessed only by members of an approved local, state or federal law enforcement agency. Get certified to query the NCIC. Requirements for certification vary from state to state. Law enforcement agencies typically will pay for employee certification. Send a criminal records request to the FBI for information about how you may be included in the NCIC. For people who aren't law enforcement officials, this is likely as close as you'll get to accessing the data.

Read More: What Is an NCIC Certification?

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