What Is a Sundry Agreement?

Sundry invoices are used to collect debts for different council services.
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Sundry is a term used in business to refer to any grouping of miscellaneous items that can not be fit into other categories. Sundry invoices are especially used by English regional councils to collect debts for various council services.

Council Debts

In England, Sundry invoices are sent to property owners to collect for a variety of miscellaneous services such as pest control, building inspections, land or shop rents, and refuse collection.


Contracts may sometimes contain sundries in which a party agrees to pay for miscellaneous services or expenditures that accrue in the process of executing the contract. They may or may not contain limits on the amount of sundry charges that can be assessed.

Sundry Bills

Sundry Bills were used to lump in appropriations without the need to create and vote on a slew of individual appropriations bills. Such appropriations bills are no longer referred to as sundry bills in the United States.

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