How to Quit Claim a House in Connecticut

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One of the easiest ways to transfer title to property in Connecticut is with a Connecticut quit claim deed. To quitclaim a house in Connecticut, fill out, sign and notarize a quit claim deed, transferring your entire interest in the property to someone else.

Connecticut Quit Claim Deeds

To transfer ownership of a house or other real estate in Connecticut, use a legal document called a deed. Most state laws permit several types of deeds, including the warranty deed, grant deed and quit claim deed. The easiest deed to work with is the quit claim. If you use a quit claim deed, the person transferring the house, e.g. the grantor, gives all of the interest she has in the house to someone else, termed the grantee.

If you are the grantor, you transfer 100 percent of your interest but you make no guarantee as to what interest you have. Title companies usually do not insure titles when transferred via quit claim deed. Quit claim deeds are frequently used in family transfers when the interest is gifted, not purchased. In these circumstances, you get the benefits of an easy quit-claim-deed property transfer without worrying about the risk of fraud or mistake.

Connecticut law implies that quit claim transfers are conducted in good faith and fair dealing. This builds in the assumption that the grantor to the transaction doesn't know about any hidden owners or title issues. However, it is the grantee who bears the risk. If the grantor is wrong in her beliefs about title, the grantee has little protection.

Procedure for Making a Quit Claim Deed in Connecticut

The rules and procedures for quit claim deeds in Connecticut vary among counties. However, in many counties, real estate transactions are handled at the municipal level, as there is not much of a government structure at the county level. That means you must check with the municipality in which your house is located to determine applicable rules.

You can find the county and municipal rules for quit claims in Connecticut at the website, and by choosing Connecticut under State Information. Select the county in which the house is located for an overview of rules and procedures.

In general, all quit claim deeds in Connecticut must be in writing and signed by the grantor, and the signature must be notarized. Any signatures must have typed names below them. It's not difficult to find a quit claim deed form online specifically designed for use in Connecticut. Alternatively, ask your attorney or real estate agent.

Recording a Quit Claim Deed in Connecticut

You'll have to review a county's procedure before you record the quit claim deed, since practices differ. In New Haven County, for example, each town has its own county clerk's office, and you must record the completed quit claim with the office of the county clerk in the town where the house is located.

You'll have to pay a fee to record your quit claim deed in Connecticut. Generally the charge is calculated per page.

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