Georgia short-term disability protection laws allow a Georgia employee who needs to leave work for a limited amount of time to do so with financial coverage and the ability to return to her place of employment when ready. The employee's insurance plan pays for disability insurance, so the insurance company must agree.
Disability Insurance
In Georgia, disability insurance, in conjunction with social security payments, state retirement, injury benefits, worker's compensation or other government disability programs can replace 60% of a worker's salary (during the year that the disability began). Payments can reach up to $800 per week.
Read More: Can I Get Disability Insurance if I Am Fired From My Job?
Employees' Choice
Employees can begin to receive short-term disability benefits after 30 days of disablement or seven continuous calendar days. Georgia law states that employees may not use short-term disability benefits and sick leave simultaneously.
The insurance company calculates short-term disability benefits based on the employee's salary, received during the year that the disability began. The employee may receive short-term disability benefits for either 150 or 173 calendar days, depending on the coverage he chose when the coverage began.
Pre-Existing Conditions
An employee with a pre-existing condition must wait out the 30-day waiting period. She does not have the option to begin collecting short-term disability after only seven days.
Late Entrants
Georgia's insurance law lets a "late entrant" employee receive short-term disability for a work-caused disability 30 days after her insurance becomes effective and, for a physical disease, pregnancy or mental disorder, after 60 days.
To Claim
Georgia employees who wish to submit a claim for a short-term disability must fill out the forms provided by the insurance company. The claim application consists of the employee's statement, an authorization for the insurance company to obtain additional information from any professional who has treated the claimant (physician, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, etc), a statement by the claimant's physician, and the employer's statement. The claimant must attach copies of any documents showing any other judgments or benefit determinations. The claimant must send the package of documents to the Standard Insurance Co., which makes disability insurance payments for Georgia employees. Standard Insurance Company Employee Benefits Department POB 2800 Portland, OR 97208 1-888-641-7186 standard.com/eforms/3379_642967.pdf
Insurance Premiums
Premiums for short-term disability are based on the employee's benefit salary and chosen coverage level. Georgia employees will not pay taxes on any short-term disability benefits.
Writer Bio
Laurie Rappeport is a writer and blogger with more than 10 years of experience. Her areas of expertise are in education, child development, travel, pets, nutrition and health for Demand Studios and a major travel website. Rappeport holds a Master of Arts degree from Wayne State University.