As of June 2010, there are 546 presiding magisterial district judges in the state of Pennsylvania. These court judges also often referred to as simply a magistrate, a district justice or a justice of the peace. The magisterial district judges preside over the first court level of Pennsylvania's Unified Judicial System. The judges within these courts preside over traffic cases, some minor criminal cases, small claim cases and landlord/tenant/rental disagreements. In addition, a justice of the peace also has the power to conduct a legal marriage ceremony.
Complete List of Pennsylvania District Courts
Go to The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania's official website.
Read More: Do You Have to Be a Lawyer Before You Can Be a Judge?
Click on the tab labeled "Minor Courts."
Click the link labeled "Magisterial District Judges," found under the title "About the Courts."
View the list of all Pennsylvania magistrates including their presiding county, district court number, name, address and telephone information.
Pennsylvania District Courts Search Form
Point your Internet browser to the magisterial district judge search page of the Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System website.
Enter any known information about the justice of the peace you wish to find. (The county in which the judge you are seeking presides is sufficient to complete the search.)
Click the button labeled "Search" found under the search form.
View the list of results your search returned. The information included will be the county, the district court number, the name of the judge, address and phone contact information for each magistrate matching your search.
Writer Bio
Since beginning her online writing career in 2008, Ronni Dee has enjoyed sharing her life experiences through her work and educating her readers on what she has learned through these experiences. She has published numerous articles and short stories throughout her career on various websites.