According to the Journal of the Academy of Hospital Administration, part of your medical care includes a chronological record of care and treatment called medical records. These medical records are not only important for your care, but for legal and clinical purposes as well. In fact, the number of medical forms has increased by 228 percent since the 1990s, according to JAHA. As a result, there are many different types of medical record forms.
Releasing Medical Records
With the creation of the federal government’s HIPAA Privacy Rule, your medical records are confidential. Records that include your financial information, like medical bills, medical records from your health care provider, and information stored in the files of health insurance companies, are also confidential.
Since no one can view these records without your permission, they can't be released without a medical records release form. Once you sign this form, your medical information can be released to specified third parties.
However, there are some instances when third parties are not required to obtain your permission. For instance, a medical release form is not necessary if you change physicians or health care facilities, or have friends or family members assisting you with your health care. Another case in which a medical release form is not needed is if a state agency like a state worker’s compensation board needs your health care records. Then the agency wouldn't need a medical records release form.
Read More: How to Get Medical Records Sealed From Background Searches
Medical Records While Being Admitted
There is an enormous amount of paperwork associated with being admitted to the hospital. For example, there are Admission Records, also called Facesheets, and Pre-admission Screening and Admission agreements. Another type of admitting record is the Admission Consent form.
Medical Records While Receiving Care
While actually receiving care in a hospital or clinic, you’ll notice various other forms. They include a Hospital Transfer Form, a Hospital Discharge Summary Form, and numerous other forms such as immunization records.
Other Types of Medical Forms
Other types of medical forms consist of legal options to allow or prevent medical treatment. You may have signed a medical form to give a trusted friend or family member consent over your medical treatment. Or you may have filled out other medical forms directing your physicians on various aspects of your treatment. For instance, a DNR Order can prevent doctors from taking extraordinary measures to keep you alive. Other forms include a Durable Power of Attorney form, a Legal Incapacitation form, and an Advance Directive.