Trademarks include company names, logos, slogans and designs used to identify and distinguish a company's goods in its business trade. The physical mark can be a word, sign, symbol or design that identifies the trademark owner. A trademark must be a unique identifying mark, specifically associated with the goods or services that a company offers in commercial trade. One type of trademark includes the company logo. A logo can qualify as a trademark -- if it meets the minimum requirements. To qualify as a trademark, a logo must be a unique mark used to identify and distinguish the company's goods or services offered in the marketplace. Strong logos often become easily recognizable trademarks throughout society.
Basic Trademark Rights for Company Logos
Basic trademark rights apply to company logos associated with its products. The company automatically secures trademark rights in its logo once it is used in the marketplace to distinguish the company's products from its competitors. The company does not need to register the logo as a trademark at the state or federal level. State registration provides a public record and general notification of the company's use of the trademark within the region. Federal trademark registration provides broader benefits, including having the trademark listed in the federal database of registered trademarks.
Federal Trademark Registration Benefits
Federal registration provides a legal presumption of ownership of the logo; the exclusive right to use, copy, produce and profit from the logo; and the right to sue in federal court over unauthorized use of the logo. Basic trademark rights also provide exclusive use of the logo, but that can easily be disputed. If two companies use the same logo, a legal dispute over trademark ownership arises. If no one registers the trademark, the first company to use the logo as a trademark qualifies as the legal owner. If the logo is registered as a federal trademark, the courts recognize the registered owner as the legitimate owner. The other company must prove otherwise, with evidence that it used the logo before the federal registration date. The company might be able to show its earlier use of the trademark, based on an earlier date on a state registration application.
Federal Trademark Registration Process
A company registers a logo with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, similar to the registration process for other trademarks, such as names and slogans. Each trademark name, logo and slogan must be registered as a standard character mark, stylized/design mark or sound mark. A company logo generally qualifies as a stylized/design mark, with specific font style, size and color. The type of mark and types of goods must be identified on the application. The registration application requires a description of the logo, a drawing of the logo, a product sample with the logo on it and applicable registration fees. The logo may be registered once the logo is in "use in commerce" or based on the owner's "intent to use" the logo as a trademark.
Read More: How to Make a Logo a Registered Trademark
Logos Used as Trademarks
The most powerful company logos instantly capture their target audience. Consider the strength of logos as trademarks on restaurant row. A consumer can easily recognize the golden arches, the jack-in-the-box and Colonel Sanders. The golden arches obviously refer to McDonald's capitol "M" logo. The logo is actually yellow, but the company has trademarked the logo as the "Golden Arches." Jack-in-the-Box serves as both the trademarked name of the fast food restaurant chain and a description of its logo. The company trademarked its logo as a "clownhead design" in 2D, and in 3D with folded arms. Kentucky Fried Chicken uses its monogram, KFC, as its trademark name and logo. Another popular logo used to identify KFC's restaurant chain is the image of Colonel Sanders. Each of these logos serves as a company trademark.
Writer Bio
Based in Los Angeles, Victoria McGrath has been writing law-related articles since 2004. She specializes in intellectual property, copyright and trademark law. She earned a Juris Doctor from the University of Arizona, College of Law. McGrath pursued both her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Fine Arts at University of California, Los Angeles, in film and television production. Her work has been published in the Daily Bruin and La Gente Newsmagazine.