How long you and your spouse must live separately before you can file for divorce – or if you even have to live separately at all – depends on where you live and the grounds on which you file. In some states, if you cite no-fault grounds, no separation period is necessary. You can file on most fault grounds right away in many states as well.
No-Fault Grounds
All states recognize some version of no-fault divorce, but the rules can vary a great deal. For example, in Maryland and North Carolina, you must be separated for one full year. In California, no separation period is required – you can simply tell the court that you have irreconcilable differences. You can cite irreconcilable differences in Illinois as well, but you must still live apart for six months before your divorce can be granted. Pennsylvania doesn't require a separation period, but your spouse must agree in writing that your marriage is over -- and your divorce isn't granted until 90 days pass from the time you file your petition. In New Jersey, you must have irreconcilable differences for six months, but you don't have to live separately during this time.
Read More: Which States Are No-Fault Divorce States?
Fault Grounds
Fault grounds, such as adultery or cruelty, usually don't require that you and your spouse separate before you can file. However, they do require that you provide evidence of your allegations to the court -- and your spouse has the right to defend himself against your charges. If he does so successfully, the court might not grant your divorce.
- The People's Law Library of Maryland: Grounds for Absolute Divorce
- The Gitlin Law Firm: Grounds for Divorce
- Pennsylvania General Assembly: Chapter 33, Dissolution of Marital Status
- Rosen Law Firm: What Are the Grounds for Absolute Divorce in North Carolina
- Mattice Law Offices: Grounds for Divorce in California
- NJ Paralegal Services: FAQs About Uncontested Divorces
- Jennifer R. Lewis Kannegieter: New York Becomes 50th State to Recognize No-Fault Divorce
Writer Bio
Beverly Bird is a practicing paralegal who has been writing professionally on legal subjects for over 30 years. She specializes in family law and estate law and has mediated family custody issues.