Having a copy of your birth certificate is essential for proving the details of your birth, getting a passport or enrolling for school. Because Embassies of the Dominican Republic don't deal with vital records, natives of the country must communicate directly with agencies based in their homeland to get a copy of their birth certificate.
Determine if you need a short form birth certificate ("Extracto de Acta") or long ("Acta Inextensa"). Although both versions are legal documents in the Dominican Republic, the long form is necessary to apply for a visa.
Read More: Long-Form Vs. Short-Form Birth Certificate
Write a letter requesting your birth certificate from the Dominican Republic. Include the date and place of your birth.
Mail the letter to:
Direccion General de las Oficialias del Estado Civil de la Republica Calle Paul Harris Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
If you are requesting the long form for visa purposes, you must also have the record verified at the Oficina Central del Estado Civil.
You may also obtain a copy from the Oficialia del Estado Civil closest to where the birth took place, if you are in the Dominican Republic and are sure your birth was registered there.
Writer Bio
Clara Miles has been writing professionally since 2001. Before going freelance, she was a copywriter for an in-house marketing team and has had articles included in the Virginia Association of Realtors' "Commonwealth" magazine and The Current Week in Review, an e-newsletter serving the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church. Miles has a Master of Arts in English literature from Bradley University.