Do Assault & Battery Charges & Misdemeanors Show Up on a Background Check?

Some employers make a background check a job prerequisite.
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Modern technology makes it increasingly easy for employers to get the scoop on their prospective employees before hiring them. Background checks are common in many types of employment, and a legal requirement in some. States vary as to what information background checks can include, especially when it comes to arrests that do not result in convictions.

Background Checks

Any job seeker may be requested to consent to a background check. This procedure is essentially a private investigation arranged by the employer to learn about the prospective employee. Most background checks verify an individual's identity, education and qualifications. Depending on the job, the employer and the state you live in, your background check may also include any brushes you have had with the law.

Read More: How to Get Free Background Checks

Legality of Background Checks

The federal government does not prohibit prospective employers from seeking information about a job seeker's criminal past, and many do so. State laws can offer greater protections. While in some states, any job seeker can be asked about convictions, in other states a prospective employee can only be asked about convictions relevant to the job in question. Some states do not permit employers to ask about past arrests that did not result in convictions, and others set time limitations on the scope of the inquiry.

Assault and Battery

The words assault and battery often appear together as if they constituted one crime. However, each word describes a different crime. The crime of battery involves unauthorized physical contact causing harm or that is offensive. Battery is by definition intentional and the state must prove that the defendant intended to make the physical contact. Assault occurs when someone threatens to commit a battery. For example, raising a baseball bat in a threatening manner is an assault, whereas bringing it down on someone's head is a battery. Assault and battery charges against you can be included in background check reports in states that permit inclusion of arrests and criminal convictions.

Misdemeanors in Background Checks

Criminal charges are generally divided into the categories of felonies and misdemeanors. Although state definitions differ, felonies are more serious offenses while misdemeanors are less serious. In some states, an employer is allowed to ask about misdemeanor arrests and convictions as part of a job interview, and to obtain your criminal record as part of the background check.

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