Can Convicted Felons Leave the Country?

Can Convicted Felons Leave the Country?
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Most convicted felons can receive passports to travel out of the United States, according to the U.S. Department of State. However, some countries prohibit travelers from crossing their borders with criminal records. Felons on probation must consult with their probation officers before traveling.


Felons will be denied a passport if they are guilty of treason, drug trafficking across international borders or distribution of a controlled substance. Passport applications may be denied if felons are ordered by a court to remain in the country. A court also may revoke a felon's passport because of these restrictions.


Canada is one country that does not allow access to most convicted felons, according to the Criminal Info Network. Travelers guilty of theft, drunk driving, assault, murder or manslaughter are prohibited from entering the country.

Read More: What Are the Rights of a Convicted Felon?


You may think that pleading guilty to a felony charge will have a lesser effect, but a plea looks no different than a conviction on a criminal record. Countries with restrictions against felons may refuse access to anyone with a felony on record.

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