How to Get a Copy of a Filed Marriage Settlement Agreement

By Anna Green

paperwork image by Pix by Marti from

Marriage settlement agreements contain information about how to invest your money, dispose of your property, pay income taxes, apply for a loan, or formulate a retirement plan. If you have children, your marriage settlement agreement will also outline you and your spouse's custody and visitation arrangement, explains Expert Law. If you need a copy of your filed marriage settlement agreement, go to the court directly to request the document. This will ensure that you receive the most up-to-date copy of the agreement.

Step 1

Locate your case number. So that the court can locate your marriage settlement agreement, attempt to locate your case number. You can find it at the top of any official documents you've received from the court.

Step 2

Know the case name. In most circumstances, this will be your full name and your spouse's name.

Step 3

Contact the Clerk of the Court. Although the process may vary between jurisdictions, in most instances, you will need to request the settlement agreement through the office of the Clerk of the Court. You may do this in person or by sending a written request along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Step 4

Show proof of your identity. The Court Clerk may request that you show a copy of your driver's license, state-issued ID card or passport to establish that you are a party to the case and entitled to receive a copy of the marriage settlement agreement.

Contact an attorney who worked on the case. If the court cannot locate your marriage settlement agreement or if you are unsure in which court your attorney or spouse filed it, your lawyer should have a copy in her file.
