How to Spot a Fake Tissot Watch

businessman looking at his watch.
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If a consumer finds a Tissot watch at a price that appears to be a good deal, it may be too good a bargain to be true. Plenty of fake Tissot watches are available online and in marketplaces all over the world. Buyers can easily spot one if they know what to look for, but should nevertheless be cautious when purchasing a watch they are not sure is authentic; not only will they lose money, but some may even include harmful materials.

How to Check If a Tissot Watch Is Genuine

At first glance, a fake Tissot watch may look identical to a real one, but consumers should study it carefully before purchasing to spot differences that wouldn’t exist in an authentic timepiece.

  • The feel of the watch: Buyers should hold the watch in their hands when purchasing to note its weight. If it feels too light, there’s a possibility it is counterfeit. 
  • Internal mechanical differences: When winding the watch, consumers should not feel its internal mechanics drag. A real Tissot would not cause the winding system to pull on the watch mechanism.  
  • Differences in winding handle lettering: The winding handle has a letter “T” located on its crown. If the “T” sticks to the crown with glue and is not an engraving, chances are it’s a fake.
  • The glow of the hands and dials: The radiant materials used in Tissot watch hands and dials emit a strong glow in the dark. A fake timepiece would either have a low glow or none at all. 
  • A “dirty” face: Buyers should study the detail of the watch face under its crystal cover. If there are fingerprints, hair or any other imperfections, including poor reproduction and placement of the numbers, it is likely fake.  
  • A fake serial number: All Tissot timepieces come with a serial number on the case back of the watch. Numbers are 9 or 11 characters long with no spaces or dashes. If the serial number has a different amount of characters or spaces between digits, it is a fake. 
  • Misspelling and poor grammar: If there are any typos in the lettering imprinted on the watch, such as incorrect spelling or verbiage on its face or case back, then it is not an authentic Tissot. 
  • A too-low price: Tissot watches are normally above $200. Finding one that’s considerably under that price from a dubious dealer at a location like a swap meet or an online auction means that it is probably not a real Tissot. 

Getting Help From Tissot

Tissot is aware of the number of replica Swiss watches sold and has taken action against fakes by registering its trademarks and cooperating with customs and law enforcement around the world to stop the fakes from flooding the market. It also works with police and government agencies to monitor and ultimately shut down unauthorized manufacturing plants, warehouses and sellers. When finding counterfeit watches, authorities seize and destroy the fakes and initiate criminal or civil charges against the perpetrators. To further stamp out counterfeiting, Tissot also partners with the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH, an organization that represents Swiss companies active in the manufacturing and sale of watches, clocks and timepiece parts.

Tissot also has its own search engine to locate authorized dealers around the world. To find out if a seller is legitimate, consumers should enter the seller’s URL into its search portal at www.Tissot, as the company frequently updates the authorized dealer websites in its system. Some replicas do look very real — buyers who have questions about the authenticity of a watch can contact Tissot or a local authorized dealer.

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